Baza stron montessori, filmy i artykuły warte przeczytania

Ten zbiór materiałów związanych Montessori ma służyć jako źródło informacji dla rodziców, nauczycieli i innych chcących dowiedzieć się więcej o metodzie Montessori. Został on opracowany przez zespół montessorimadmen. Jeśli masz inne sugestie, napisz do nas wiadomość, a my zamieścimy twoje linki. Baza w tej chwili prowadzi do stron anglo języcznych. Bedziemy ja uzupełniać o materiały po polsku.

Strony WWW

  1. Montessori Education (Wiki):
  2. Wikisori:
  3. Maria Montessori Blog:
  4. Association Montessori Internationale:
  5. Association Montessori USA:
  6. American Montessori Society:
  7. Montessori Science:
  8. Aid to Life:
  9. What is Montessori Resource Site:
  10. (UK):
  11. Montessori Guide:
  12. Montessori 101: [
  13. Center For Public Montessori:

Bazy wiedzy

  1. School Locator (AMI):
  2. Parent Resources (AMI):
  3. School Locator (AMS):
  4. School Locator (NAMTA):
  5. School Locator (
  6. Common Core Critique from Washington Post
  7. Moving Montessori Forward within QRIS:
  8. Does Montessori Work? Research on Outcomes for Montessori Students

Książki warte przeczytania

  1. The Absorbent Mind (Heny Holt & Co., 1995), by Dr. Maria Montessori
  2. Montessori Madness! A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education (Sevenoff, 2009), by Trevor Eissler
  3. Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius (Oxford University Press, 2005), by Angeline Stoll Lillard
  4. Discovery of The Child (Fides, 1967), by Dr. Maria Montessori
  5. The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Penguin/Viking 2009), by Sir Ken Robinson
  6. Drive (Penguin, 2011), by Dan Pink
  7. A Whole New Mind (Penguin, 2006), by Dan Pink
  8. The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and “Tougher Standards” (Houghton Mifflin, 1999), by Alfie Kohn
  9. Punished By Rewards: The Touble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes (Houghton Mifflin, 1993), by Alfie Kohn
  10. Stop Stealing Dreams, 2011, by Seth Godin, (free download)
  11. Brain Rules (Pear Press, 2009), by John Medina
  12. A Pattern Language (Oxford University Press, 1977) #18 Network of Learning
  13. Montessori & Embodied Education, by Kevin Rathnude
  14. Optimal Learning Environments to Promote Student Engagement, by David J. Shernoff – Chapter 10 includes a robust chapter entitled „Models of Engaging Private Schools and the Case of Montessori Schools”
  15. Rethinking Education, Dr. Phillip Snow Gang
  16. Playful Learning & Montessori Education, Angeline S. Lillard


  1. Montessori Madness (5:44), by Trevor Eissler: Here are versions of this video in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, Indonesian,Hebrew, Farsi, and Romanian
  2. Superwoman Was Already Here (6:14), by Daniel Petter-Lipstein
  3. How Do You Hug a Child Like This? (3:23)
  4. Do Schools Kill Creativity? (19:29), by Sir Ken Robinson
  5. Bring On the Learning Revolution (17:58), by Sir Ken Robinson
  6. Changing Education Paradigms (11:41), by Sir Ken Robinson
  7. Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (10:48), by Dan Pink
  8. Achievement vs. Learning (1:05), by Alfie Kohn
  9. It’s Bad News if Students are Motivated to get A’s (1:03), by Alfie Kohn
  10. Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin talks about his Montessori education
  11. Google Founders Talk Montessori
  12. Dr. Steve Hughes, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Neurology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Discusses Montessori: * Dr. Hughes: Part I (4:23) * Dr. Hughes: Part 2 (3:38) * Dr. Hughes: Part 3 (3:27)
  13. Dr. Hughes: Good at Doing Things: Montessori Education and Higher-order Cognitive Functions
  14. Dr. Hughes: Building Better Brains: The Neurological Case for Montessori Education (1:35:27
  15. Dr. Hughes: NPR Interview on the Modern Educational System and the Impact of Montessori in Classrooms (48:37)
  16. Dr. Adele Diamond: Why Montessori Works (1:08:17)
  17. Educational Videos on the Montessori Method from the American Montessori Society
  18. Economist Andrew McAfee on What will future jobs look like? (see 10:57 – 11:47)
  19. How the Digital Revolution is Accelerating Everything, NYT Global Forum with Thomas Friedman and MIT’s Andrew McAfee(see 28:38 of the video)
  20. The Way You Wish You Were Educated (with Michael Barclay)
  21. Montessori: Pave Your Own Way
  22. Redesign of the Traditional Classroom
  23. Montessori Through the Eyes of a Scientist

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