Baza stron montessori, filmy i artykuły warte przeczytania
Ten zbiór materiałów związanych Montessori ma służyć jako źródło informacji dla rodziców, nauczycieli i innych chcących dowiedzieć się więcej o metodzie Montessori. Został on opracowany przez zespół montessorimadmen. Jeśli masz inne sugestie, napisz do nas wiadomość, a my zamieścimy twoje linki. Baza w tej chwili prowadzi do stron anglo języcznych. Bedziemy ja uzupełniać o materiały po polsku.
Strony WWW
- Montessori Education (Wiki):
- Wikisori:
- Maria Montessori Blog:
- Association Montessori Internationale:
- Association Montessori USA:
- American Montessori Society:
- Montessori Science:
- Aid to Life:
- What is Montessori Resource Site:
- (UK):
- Montessori Guide:
- Montessori 101: [
- Center For Public Montessori:
Bazy wiedzy
- School Locator (AMI):
- Parent Resources (AMI):
- School Locator (AMS):
- School Locator (NAMTA):
- School Locator (
- Common Core Critique from Washington Post
- Moving Montessori Forward within QRIS:
- Does Montessori Work? Research on Outcomes for Montessori Students
Książki warte przeczytania
- The Absorbent Mind (Heny Holt & Co., 1995), by Dr. Maria Montessori
- Montessori Madness! A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education (Sevenoff, 2009), by Trevor Eissler
- Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius (Oxford University Press, 2005), by Angeline Stoll Lillard
- Discovery of The Child (Fides, 1967), by Dr. Maria Montessori
- The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Penguin/Viking 2009), by Sir Ken Robinson
- Drive (Penguin, 2011), by Dan Pink
- A Whole New Mind (Penguin, 2006), by Dan Pink
- The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and “Tougher Standards” (Houghton Mifflin, 1999), by Alfie Kohn
- Punished By Rewards: The Touble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes (Houghton Mifflin, 1993), by Alfie Kohn
- Stop Stealing Dreams, 2011, by Seth Godin, (free download)
- Brain Rules (Pear Press, 2009), by John Medina
- A Pattern Language (Oxford University Press, 1977) #18 Network of Learning
- Montessori & Embodied Education, by Kevin Rathnude
- Optimal Learning Environments to Promote Student Engagement, by David J. Shernoff – Chapter 10 includes a robust chapter entitled „Models of Engaging Private Schools and the Case of Montessori Schools”
- Rethinking Education, Dr. Phillip Snow Gang
- Playful Learning & Montessori Education, Angeline S. Lillard
- Montessori Madness (5:44), by Trevor Eissler: Here are versions of this video in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, Indonesian,Hebrew, Farsi, and Romanian
- Superwoman Was Already Here (6:14), by Daniel Petter-Lipstein
- How Do You Hug a Child Like This? (3:23)
- Do Schools Kill Creativity? (19:29), by Sir Ken Robinson
- Bring On the Learning Revolution (17:58), by Sir Ken Robinson
- Changing Education Paradigms (11:41), by Sir Ken Robinson
- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (10:48), by Dan Pink
- Achievement vs. Learning (1:05), by Alfie Kohn
- It’s Bad News if Students are Motivated to get A’s (1:03), by Alfie Kohn
- Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin talks about his Montessori education
- Google Founders Talk Montessori
- Dr. Steve Hughes, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Neurology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Discusses Montessori: * Dr. Hughes: Part I (4:23) * Dr. Hughes: Part 2 (3:38) * Dr. Hughes: Part 3 (3:27)
- Dr. Hughes: Good at Doing Things: Montessori Education and Higher-order Cognitive Functions
- Dr. Hughes: Building Better Brains: The Neurological Case for Montessori Education (1:35:27
- Dr. Hughes: NPR Interview on the Modern Educational System and the Impact of Montessori in Classrooms (48:37)
- Dr. Adele Diamond: Why Montessori Works (1:08:17)
- Educational Videos on the Montessori Method from the American Montessori Society
- Economist Andrew McAfee on What will future jobs look like? (see 10:57 – 11:47)
- How the Digital Revolution is Accelerating Everything, NYT Global Forum with Thomas Friedman and MIT’s Andrew McAfee(see 28:38 of the video)
- The Way You Wish You Were Educated (with Michael Barclay)
- Montessori: Pave Your Own Way
- Redesign of the Traditional Classroom
- Montessori Through the Eyes of a Scientist
Montessori w mediach
- The Montessori Mafia, The Wall Street Journal
- What Do P. Diddy, Sergey Brin, and Peter Drucker Have in Common? from Korn/Ferry Briefings Magazine
- What is Montessori?
- What If the Secret to Success is Failure? The New York Times
- The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education, Forbes Magazine
- Montessori: The Missing Voice in the Education Reform Debate, Huffington Post
- The Single Most Innovative Concept in Education is at Least 100 Years Old, Quartz
- Montessori Education Provides Better Outcomes than Traditional Methods, Science Magazine
- Neuropsychology and Montessori, Association Montessori International/USA
- A Classroom Without Walls: Deepening Children’s Connections With Nature
- “BGUTI” – Better Get Used to It, by Alfie Kohn
- Is the secret to Finnish schools Finns or is there something for America to learn?, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- Maybe Private School is Cheaper Than Ritalin, Huffington Post
- Renewing the Promise of Montessori Education
- India: Ardee-defines new Measures in Education, India Education Diary
- The Montessori Approach to Discipline, Tomorrow’s Child Magazine
- Jewish Montessori article from Orange Country Jewish Life
- Develop Leaders the Montessori Way, Harvard Business Review Blog
- Montessori Lessons for Innovators
- How to Innovators Think?, Harvard Business Review Blog
- Montessori Builds Innovators, Harvard Business Review Blog
- How to Shape the DNA of a Young Company, The New York Times
- Maria Montessori: Guru for a New Generation of Business Innovators, The Globe & Mail
- Montessori…It’s Good for Business, Southern California Public Radio
- From Creeping to Leaping the Kindergarten Year – A Montessori Parent’s Perspective
- Why the world embraces the Montessori Method, New York Parenting
- Testing Now Reaching Kindergarten Levels Forcing Many to Ask Why?, Reuters
- Made by Montessori: The Education Method for Executives of the Future, Exec Digital
- Cursive Writing Makes Kids Smarter
- A Comparison of Middle School Programs in Montessori vs. Traditional Schools
- Doing Pre-Kindergarten Right
- Will Montessori Prepare My Child for the „Real World?”
- Montessori Schools Surge in Popularity Among New Generation of Jewish Parents
- Montessori Education Defined, Parenting Magazine
- Montessori’s Profound Influence on Google